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Declaration Negotiations

Consultations to develop a political declaration to address the humanitarian harm arising from the use of explosive weapons in populated areas
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© Streets of Gaza during Israel’s bombing, May 2021 © NPA Palestine/Mohammed Zaanoun.


The use of explosive weapons in populated areas causes broad, substantial and ongoing harm.
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Destruction in Gaza, 27 July 2014 during a brief 12 cessation of hostilities, families returned to Shujaiya in eastern Gaza, scene of some of the heaviest Israeli bombing. ©Iyad al Baba/Oxfam

Political response

INEW calls for immediate action to prevent human suffering from the use of explosive weapons in populated areas
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©AP Photo/Felipe Dana


New resources from INEW on the newly agreed Political Declaration
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INEW organises, hosts and participates in a range of meetings, conferences and other events related to explosive weapons use
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Welcome to INEW

The International Network on Explosive Weapons (INEW) is an NGO partnership calling for immediate action to prevent human suffering from the use of explosive weapons in populated areas.

Explosive weapons include improvised explosive devices (IEDs) as well as explosive ordnance such as mortars, rockets, artillery shells and aircraft bombs.  These weapons use blast and fragmentation to kill and injure people in the area around the point of detonation. When used in public places, this area-effect means that innocent people are often severely affected.  Data indicate that between 80 and 90% of those killed and injured are civilians; still more are affected when there is damage to vital infrastructure (such as schools, hospitals, housing and water and sanitation systems).

INEW believes that this suffering can be reduced and unnecessary deaths and injuries prevented.  We are calling on states and other actors to face up to this problem as a policy challenge, to meet the needs of victims and survivors, to review their national practices and to come together to develop stronger international standards to curb this pattern of violence.  INEW members undertake research and advocacy to promote greater understanding of the problem and the concrete steps that can be taken to address it.

Protection Forum on Strengthening the Protection of Civilians from Explosive Weapons

The International Network on Explosive Weapons (INEW) and the Norwegian Red Cross will convene a ‘Protection Forum’ on the afternoon of Monday 22 April, the day before the official conference, at the Norwegian Red Cross in Oslo. The Protection Forum is open to everyone who is traveling to participate in the EWIPA conference including representatives of government, armed forces, civil society and international organisations as well as other members of Norwegian civil society.

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International Parliamentary Appeal

About the Appeal Parliamentarians have a vital role to play in enhancing the protection of civilians in armed conflict and Read More

Visit the Parliamentary Appeal page

Acknowledgement of harm

A growing number of states have acknowledged the issue of harm in their national statements to international forums. Read more.

Media centre

Information and resources for journalists and media representatives 

Visit the media centre

Website by David Abbott Projects