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About INEW

INEW is a network of NGOs that endorse the INEW call and have agreed to work together to achieve its aims.

INEW is an international network of NGOs that calls for immediate action to prevent human suffering from the use of explosive weapons in populated areas.

INEW members engage in research, policy and advocacy to promote greater understanding of the issues that arise from the use of explosive weapons in populated areas, and concrete steps that can be taken to address it. INEW member organisations develop partnerships calling for improved government policy and operational practice at a national level, and work together to develop stronger standards internationally.

Many INEW member organisations work in countries affected by explosive violence – providing development assistance, documenting the impact of violence, assisting the victims of explosive weapons and clearing landmines, unexploded ordnance and improvised explosive devices. See our current members.

INEW welcomes new member organisations: to find out more about how to join as an NGO, please visit our membership page. Coordination for INEW is provided by Laura Boillot ( on behalf of Article 36.

Our call

INEW membership is based on endorsement of the following:

The International Network on Explosive Weapons calls for immediate action to prevent human suffering from the use of explosive weapons in populated areas. States and other actors should:

  • Acknowledge that use of explosive weapons in populated areas tends to cause severe harm to individuals and communities and furthers suffering by damaging vital infrastructure;
  • Strive to avoid such harm and suffering in any situation, review and strengthen national policies and practices on use of explosive weapons and gather and make available relevant data;
  • Work for full realisation of the rights of victims and survivors;
  • Develop stronger international standards, including certain prohibitions and restrictions on the use of explosive weapons in populated areas.

In developing these standards, states and other actors should make a commitment that explosive weapons with wide area effects will not be used in populated areas.  Read our commentary our INEW's call, which provides more information on its core points.

Our members

INEW was established on the 29 March 2011 at a meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. INEW is governed by a Steering Committee whose members are Action on Armed Violence, Article 36, Center for Civilians in Conflict, Handicap International, Human Rights Watch, Norwegian People’s Aid, Oxfam, PAX, Save the Children, SEHLAC, and the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. A number of other individuals and organisations were also involved in the establishment of INEW.

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Website by David Abbott Projects