The International Network on Explosive Weapons (INEW) is open to membership by interested non-governmental organizations (NGOs). No joining fee or annual subscription is required, rather prospective members are requested to:
- Endorse the INEW call;
- Agree to abide by the INEW Membership Pledge; and
- Submit a completed Application Form (below).
STEP ONE: Endorse the call
Please review the following call to action by INEW and confirm that your organisation understands, endorses and commits to work towards its achievement.
The International Network on Explosive Weapons calls for immediate action to prevent human suffering from the use of explosive weapons in populated areas.
States and other actors should:
- Acknowledge that use of explosive weapons in populated areas tends to cause severe harm to individuals and communities and furthers suffering by damaging vital infrastructure;
- Strive to avoid such harm and suffering in any situation, review and strengthen national policies and practices on use of explosive weapons and gather and make available relevant data;
- Work for full realisation of the rights of victims and survivors;
- Develop stronger international standards, including certain prohibitions and restrictions on the use of explosive weapons in populated areas.
STEP TWO: Agree to the membership pledge
Membership Pledge
The following pledge describes the responsibilities that members agree to by joining and participating in the International Network on Explosive Weapons (INEW):
All Members
All members of INEW agree to the following responsibilities.
- Endorse and actively work to achieve the goal of INEW;
- Share information on campaign actions, developments, and issues;
- Participate in campaign actions and contribute to consultations.
The INEW staff—who provide support to INEW members—agree to provide:
- Advice, encouragement, and support to all campaign members;
- Regular information on campaign activities, actions, and available resources;
- Facilitation and coordination of the network, including dispute resolution;
- Support to campaign engagement internationally, including management of participation in meetings
- Consultation with members including on issues and opportunities, policy development, and campaign structure and practices.
The Steering Committee, which oversees the work of INEW, agrees to ensure:
- Overall strategic direction to achieve INEW’s goals;
- Support to staff and good employment practice;
- Regular consultation and engagement with membership.
STEP THREE: Application form
To apply for membership to INEW, please complete the INEW membership form and return it to Laura Boillot: